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Rams Athletics

Riverside High School


Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Team News.

Team News

8.0 years ago @ 8:08AM

Volleyball Out of Season Practices

Out of season practices are listed on the calendar on the "Team Files" tab of the Varsity Volleyball page. Practices are optional, and all students attending Riverside in the fall are permitted to attend. Those that have participated in a sport at Riverside this past year are eligible to participate through June using their current physical, but rising 9th graders must have all paperwork turned into the athletic office prior to participation. Coaches will NOT accept paperwork at practices, so please don't bring it with you. No paperwork (including a physical) means no participation. No exceptions, so please get that taken care of. Required paperwork can be found on the "Required Forms for Participation" tab of the athletic website.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:51PM

No lifting/ conditioning February 4th

Due to a coaches meeting, there will be no lifting/ conditioning for volleyball on February 4th.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 6:46AM

Dig Pink Event

Come support the cause (Breast Cancer Awareness and Breast Cancer Research)! Riverside Volleyball will be hosting their Dig Pink Event during their home match on October 29th against Rock Ridge High School. Spread the word!

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 6:22AM

Tryout Times

More detailed tryout information:

Tryouts for Monday and Tuesday will be 4:30-7 pm at Stone Bridge High School. Wednesday's tryouts will be 3:30-5 pm (still at SBHS) with an additional hour in which the coaches will remain available for discussions on team decisions with any individuals wishing to do so.


Tryout start and end times are promptly at the indicated times. We hit the floor with our first drill at 4:30 (or 3:30), and we are out the door at 7 (or 5). Parents- we cannot leave as coaches until all of the athletes have been picked up. We are respecting your time in getting them out at the indicated time, so please respect our time by picking them up at said time. Thank you in advance for your timely pick ups!


Looking forward to seeing everyone over the next three days! Go Rams!

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 9:59AM by Coach Ingersoll

Great Workouts for Tryout Prep

Hello everyone! Sorry if you are getting this emailed to you twice, but I'm trying to see how many people I'm actually reaching!

I hope everyone is excited for the first practice tonight (6-8pm at Stone Bridge!), but for those of you looking for some at home workouts to prep you for the season, please go here:
You can download a .pdf of over 300 different mini workouts that don't require any additional equipment. 
Allow me to expand on this a bit...
1. Just downloading the workouts won't help you.
2. Start slow and work your way up.
3. Try one set of all the exercises for a given workout, and see how you feel.
4. If you feel good, push for a second set, and so on.
5. Continue to build on the number of cycles you do each time. Always sticking to one won't get you far.
6. By the time tryouts roll around, you should be doing at least 3 cycles through the exercises.
7. Do a workout each day. Plenty of variety to keep you interested.
These workouts WILL be incorporated into the season this year, so you are only benefiting yourself by doing them now!
If you need clarification on a workout, let me know. We don't get a lot of time together between now and tryouts (3 weeks!), so you've got to show some self discipline and work through these on your own. Better yet, round up a group of friends (volleyball players or not), and get everyone ready for the coming season.
Good luck in your workouts, and see you all in the gym!

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 12:55PM

Reminder- First Practice Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our first out of season practice! 
We are going to be at Stone Bridge High School from 6 - 8 pm both Monday and Wednesday of this week. In talking to the SB coach, she has indicated the door in the back will be unlocked. If you go behind the school, parents can drop athletes off in the back loop. If you are driving, you can park in the back parking lot. The alcove (glass room) doors will be unlocked. Please understand that Stone Bridge will still be holding their practice as we arrive, so enter through the alcove doors and find me outside of the gym. We'll gather in the hall prior to practice. Practice will start at 6 pm on the dot, so make sure to arrive early enough to get all your gear on!
If you haven't already submitted all of your paperwork to the athletic office, that will need to be done prior to participation in practice. Please do not bring paperwork to practice expecting to give it to the coaches. As a reminder, please keep a copy of all your paperwork just in case.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the gym!

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 2:12AM

Required Paperwork

All paperwork MUST be completed prior to attending out of season practices. We cannot allow students to participate who have not completed their paperwork, so please go to the Required Forms for Participation tab and take care of all the requirements. It is good advice from Mr. Oblas to make copies of everything before sending it in. Please DO NOT come up to me at practice to turn in your paperwork.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 12:01PM

Tryouts Update- Change in Time for August 5th

For August 5th (and August 5th ONLY), tryouts will be held from 3-6 pm. Unforeseen circumstances have required us to alter that time. August 3rd and 4th remain 4:30-7 pm.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 12:05PM

Out of Season Practices

We will have four out of season practice days hosted at Stone Bridge High School.

July 13th: 6-8 pm,

July 15th: 6-8 pm, 

July 20th: 4-6 pm, 

July 22nd: 4-6 pm.

We will meet outside of the main gym to stretch in the hallway as Stone Bridge will be using their gym right before us. Please respect their team by remaining outside of the gym until our time. They are being more than kind in providing us with gym time. 

Out of season practices are closed to anyone except players and coaches. Practices will end on time to make sure parents aren't kept waiting. We would appreciate it if parents extend the same courtesy to the coaches by picking up their athlete on time since a player will always be supervised by a coach.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 6:38AM


Tryouts will be held August 3rd, 4th, and 5th from 4:30- 7 pm in the main gym. Tryouts will begin PROMPTLY at 4:30, so athletes need to be in the gym, dressed, and ready to hit the floor at 4:30 sharp. Please make sure to arrive early enough.

At the end of tryouts on the 5th, every player will leave knowing whether they have been selected for a team and which one. Practices will begin August 6th, so all family vacations need to be completed prior to tryouts. Our first scrimmage is August 17th, so we cannot afford to have athletes missing practices. Missing practices can and will result in penalties, so please make sure you/ your athlete are/ is present at all team practices, games, and events.

JV and Varsity players should count on having Saturday practices throughout the season. Practices can be canceled, turned into clinics for specific positions, or be full team practices. The Freshman team hasn't determined whether or not it will be holding Saturday practices.

Any questions regarding tryout times or missing practices should be communicated with me via email at 

Summer workouts have not been scheduled yet, so please stay tuned. If you would like to be added to the email distribution list, shoot me an email and be sure to include your athlete's name.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 6:49AM

Spirit Night at Moe's- Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser

Moe's will be running a fundraiser to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research. Please bring the attached flyer with you on October 14th between 5 and 8 pm to have 20% of the proceeds from your meal go to a worthy cause. You must have the flyer, so please remember to take one with you!