Required Forms For Participation

In order to participate in high school sports (workouts, practice or games) all student-athletes must have a valid VHSL physical form and several other online forms completed.  

Riverside 2024-25 "Required Forms for Participation" Instructions

Riverside Parents,

The VHSL Physical form must be turned in new to the athletic office for next school year.  Physicals must be dated after May 1, 2024.  Please only turn in physicals that have all four pages complete.  All other athletic paperwork must be completed online in LCPS for next year.  The VHSL Physical form is posted here. Please scan and email the physical to

All athletic participation forms except for the physical form MUST be filled out online for next year in LCPS.  We WILL NOT be accepting any hard copy forms except the physical form.  Directions on how to fill out the online forms are attached here. You must have both the VHSL Physical and online forms submitted in order to be eligible for any off-season practice sessions, weight training, or  in-season tryouts.  Choose all sports in which you are interested in participating this year when your register for sports this school year.      

One common question--if you are getting an error message saying that the student ID already exists, it is because a different email address was used when originally creating the online paperwork account.  Please try your other email addresses.  

OPTIONAL INSURANCE PURCHASE--If your family does not have medical insurance, you can purchase through K&K Insurance.  That information is posted on RiversideRams.Net under "Files."

Important Dates:

Fall Sports Begin--August 5.  Tryout times will be released soon via RiversideRams.Net and @RVHSRamsSports on twitter.  All athletes must attend tryouts/practices beginning July 31. 

Fall Sports Parent Meeting--Monday, August 12 at 7pm in the Riverside gym.  

Winter Sports Begin--November 11 (parent meeting on November 18 at 7pm)

Spring Sports Begin--February 24 (parent meeting on March 3 at 7pm)