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Rams Athletics

Riverside High School


Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Team News.

Team News

1 month ago @ 2:33PM

Green Days


Green Days for all incoming freshman - seniors:

Main Gym

June 24, 26, 28

July 15, 17, 19, 22, 24

These will go from 4:30-6:30pm each day. 

thank you.


Team News

1 year ago @ 3:19PM

Volleyball News: Tryout information July 31st to August 3rd

Greetings Riverside Volleyball, 

Try outs for Volleyball will take place July 31st to August 3rd. More details will be given during the first day of try outs. 

Following are the colors of t-shirt that each grade group should wear during try outs:

Freshman - White t-shirt

Sophomore - Gray t-shirt

Junior - Blue t-shirt

Senior - Red t-shirt


*** Remember to have all your paperwork submitted if you are trying out.