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Rams Athletics

Riverside High School


Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Rams Athletics

Riverside High School



3.0 months ago by Dan Passarella

Spring Registration Now Open

You can register today and choose to pay the dues later using our new site. Click the link below. 

Register with the Team
  • All interested athletes should register on the team management portal using the team’s registration code: RVLO6958.  No payment of team dues is required unless you make the team. (Team dues final payment must be made by February 28th.)
  • Tryouts will be held on February 24, 25 and 26 after school at the Maverick Rowing Center 43465 Riverpoint Dr Lansdowne, VA 20176, between 5:00 and 7:00PM each of the three days. You MUST attend all 3 days of tryouts.
  • The team roster will be announced during school on Thursday, February 27.
Complete all LCPS requirements

Required forms must be submitted to LCPS for all athletes. Detailed instructions are available online.

  1. Register the student with LCPS online for Crew and completed the required training.
  2. Submit necessary LCPS physical as listed on the Required Forms for Participation.
  3. Any athlete who wishes to tryout for the team must have all Loudoun County Public School requirements completed and turned in prior to February 24th.
  4. NO ATHLETIC FEE is payable to the school for Crew participants.
Pass a basic swimming proficiency test

Basic swimming proficiency is required for all new athletes. If you are new to the team and have never had a swim test for crew you must sign up to take a test. Swim tests will be scheduled after the roster is announced.

Purchase team uniform

The RVHS Crew team uniform store is open and closes at 11:59pm February 13th. Each athlete is required to have 1 racing shirt and 1 pair of trou shorts) and/or uni. Team weather jacket is recommended. VASRA rules require all athletes to wear the uniforms in competitions. These should be purchased before the store closes on February 13th. Unfortunately the fulfillment and shipping takes several weeks so uniforms must be ordered prior to the tryout results, Anyone who purchases the uniform and does not make the team will receive a refund on any items that are NOT personalized.   


Tryouts requirements each day are listed below.  

  • Monday February 24th  – 2K Test 

  • Tuesday February 25th – 500m Test 

  • Wednesday February 26th – 6K Test 

  • Thursday February 27th – Swim Test    


NOTE: More information on how Crew works is located by clicking "More" from the Co-Ed Varsity Crew menu then "Team Files" - FAQs, Regatta 101, VASRA Volunteer information, and Team Support Positions. 
