
Week 3 vs. Strasburg -
8.0 years ago

Dear Parents and Players,

What a week our community went through last week. It was a tough week mentally on our kids, coaches, school, and community. We now face a short practice week. The Freshman team is traveling on Wednesday, and the Varsity team is playing Thursday on our home field.

I want you as parents to hear what our coaches have stressed to our players. We have asked players to focus on what I call the "process". As a team we need to focus on job responsibilities; each player doing his as job as fast and hard as he can do it. Too many of our players are focusing on the results instead of the process. As a coach, all of my focus is on the process of how we practice, how we train, and how we do our job responsibilities. It is then that the results will follow. Our players and coaches are certainly hungry for our first win on the varsity level, but we need to understand that our focus needs to be on the "process" and on perfect practice. We need our players to play confidently and relaxed, while also having fun. Players who know their job responsibilities, play faster! Our focus will continue to be on perfect practice and perfect reps. We must have a great week of practice due to the short week of preparation.

Here is this week’s practice schedule: Monday, 5 September-Saturday,10 September

Monday, Sept. 5th (Labor Day) Practice is at 3pm until 7pm for all 9th-12th graders.

Please turn in all of your left over cards and money from our fundraiser. Players are responsible for all cards and must turn them back in.

Tuesday, Sept. 6th Practice is at 4:15pm until 7:15pm on the practice turf.

Wednesday, Sept. 7th- Freshman at Strasburg HS at 6:30pm. 10th-12th will practice at 4:15pm-6:15pm with a walk thru practice in shorts, girdles, shoulder pads, and helmet. We will have our team dinner on Wednesday this week at 6:25pm.

Thursday, Sept. 8th- Varsity vs. Strasburg at Home 7pm. Tonight is 1st Responders and Military Appreciation Night at Riverside. Please wear your Red, White and Blue.  Freshman will not have practice on Thursday. Those players who are dressing out will follow our Varsity schedule. Freshmen not dressing can wear their blue jersey to the game and get in. Freshmen must be there by 6:30pm.

Friday, Sept. 9th- All players will have practice. We will treat Friday like a normal Saturday. 4:15pm-7:15pm with film and lift. 

Saturday, Sept. 10th we will have a short practice from 9am-11am on Saturday. 



Next Week’s Game Schedule:

Freshman play on Wednesday, 14 September @Loudoun County at 6pm.

Varsity play on Friday, 16 September vs. John Paul the Great at home at 7pm. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Coach Day at (703) 973-1132 or brian.day@lcps.org.


Coach Day

