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Rams Athletics

Riverside High School


Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Rams Athletics

Riverside High School

Team News.

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 12:58PM

2023 Conditioning/Green Days

Our 2023 season starts NOW.  Conditioning/Green Days will be held on Tuesdays from 7:45am-8:45am.  We will meet in the girls PE hallway.  Please be prepared to be in the weight room and/or on the practice turf.  Although these are sessions are not mandatory and have no influence on if you make a team in the Spring, if you are planning on playing this Spring you should make every effort to attend.  If you cannot attend you should communicate this with Coach Heins.  Go Rams!!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 5:34PM

Information for this week


A few quick reminders for this week.

1. The team Spirt Wear Store will be closing Monday night.  This is the final time that the store will be open for the season.

    - Shop Now:

2. Team pictures will be on Wednesday.  Picture forms will be coming home to all players on Monday after practice.

3. Parent meeting is on Wednesday at 7pm.  Please make every effort to attend to hear information about the 2022 season and our program!!

If you have any questions please reach out to Coach Heins at  GO RAMS!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 12:14PM


There will be a mandatory meeting for all who are planning to try out this Spring on Monday 2/14 at 8:45am in room 1804.  Please speak to Coach Heins individually if you are unable to attend.

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 10:11AM


Tryouts will be held on the following days:

Monday February 21st 2-4pm in the stadium.  Arrive no later than 1:45 to check in.

Tuesday February 22nd 4:15pm grass practice field.

Wednesday February 23rd 4:15pm grass practice field.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  Each day you will need water, cleats, shin guards and sneakers.  You will need a white t-shirt with your LAST NAME written on it for tryouts.  You can turn an old t-shirt inside out, purchase inexpensive ones at Walmart/michaels/target/amazon etc. If the weather is cold this shirt needs to be able to fit over your sweats.  If you have any questions or are unable to find a shirt please reach out to Coach Heins and we will help you.  Please ensure that you have all paperwork turned into the athletic office as well as on the website. 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 9:39AM


LAST 2 DAYS TO ORDER from the Riverside Girls Soccer spiritwear store!! Store closes Wednesday. 2nd store will be open after tryouts.

Find items that we've picked out specifically for our team.
There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends.
Check out the shop details below.

    - Shop Now:
    - Store Open From: January 4 - January 12, 2022